Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well, I did it- I created my blog. This is something that I have wanted to do for quite some time and finally got the motivation to do it while attending the Engage08 symposium in Celebration, FL in June. I want to start out by saying that I am horrible with technology and computers so bare with me here. With that said, I do feel like I have great things to share with my fellow wedding industry professionals, clients, friends and anyone who is interested in weddings and events. It may take me a while to snaz this thing up and to really figure out the world of blogging but I do promise some great reading material in the meantime. Thanks for visiting my blog and be sure to check back often!


  1. Yipee! I am excited to follow your blog:) I need to motivation to update mine more often!!!

  2. Hello Ashly,
    Congrats! I too am not what some would consider computer savvy but I enjoy posting! I look forward to reading your postings...

  3. i think you are doing an amazing job! everything looks really pretty and nice. keep up the great work!
