Friday, January 23, 2009

A wedding Thank You...from the Groom.

I often receive Thank You letters from my brides and mother-of-the-brides after the wedding but rarely do I receive something soley from the groom. I guess it's a guy thing. I recently received this letter from one of my grooms and I just had to share it with all of you. Sniffle Sniffle


I am sorry that I haven't done this sooner, but wanted to thank you for everything you did for Holley and I for our wedding. You were amazing and I could never thank you enough for everything. I am eternally greatfull for making that night so special for Holley and I. It far exceeded anything that I could have ever imagined and I would not have changed anything. I can't get over that it is here and gone already though, it seems like just yesterday when we were still planning the whole thing. It was more perfect than I even imagined. I was so stressed leading up to the wedding with me just losing my job, and Holley's Mom's condition that came about with the cancer. I am so thankful to you because it was something I didnt stress over because you were so great and I knew everything was taken care of to the fullest.

I thank you soo much from the bottom of my heart for such a wonderful wedding that Holley and I will always remember. Thank You!!! You are truly amazing for everything you did!!! I am again eternally greatfull!

I also wanted to tell you that if you ever, ever needed any help with setting anything up for any event you are planning like at the facililty or anything...Setting up chairs, tables, anything at all that needs to be helped with please let me know, I would be so glad to help you in any way that I can.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU again for everything!!!!



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