Thursday, August 6, 2009

Latest Event Technology- Texting while Partying

A friend of mine recently returned from a national event where she participated in something that was right up my alley. It is the latest technology to hit the event industry. The system allows guests to send text messages to a designated telephone phone number which would then be projected onto a large screen at your event. The messages are moderated before being sent to the "screens." Best part is that no one knows who is texting what- unless you choose to identify yourself in your text. This concept is perfect for any type of event- even weddings! Guests can text:

Well wishes to the bride and groom or person of honor
Song requests to the DJ
Their mini "toast" for the evening
Questions to fellow party goers such as
"Who is the best dancer" or "Who is the cutest couple"
"Shout-outs" or "Thank yous"
Anything you can imagine!

This concept is being offered by several venues, DJ's and entertainment companies throughout major cities. The screen can be customized with colors or images of your choice. I can't wait to experience this for exciting!


Rebecca Zoumberos said...

Omigosh seriously what will they think of next!!! This is so clever! Thanks for sharing the idea.

Unknown said...

That is a GREAT idea. Love it.